It’s Spring 2025, and I’m on SABBATICAL!! That doesn’t mean I’m not still thinking of my students from afar. I’m THRILLED that Paul Blake is taking the reins of the Hartwick Wind Ensemble this semester. Their concert on April 24 will feature music picked by the seniors, with some room for extra picks by Professor Blake. So far, they have chosen:
Incantation and Dance – John Barnes Chance (for Colleen Long)
Star Wars: The Marches – John Williams, arr. Brubaker (for Erin Kiefer)
Arabesque – Samuel Hazo (for Isabel Dooley)
Danzon no. 2 – Arturo Marquez, arr. Nickel (for Katelyn Sanzone)
Music from The Incredibles – Michael Giacchino, arr. Bocook (for Adrianna Dugan)
Max Jackson is going to write and conduct his own Symphony for Band!
Cajun Folk Songs – Frank Ticheli (for Brynn Illies)
The Cave You Fear – Michael Markowski (for Billie Metcalf)
More to come as it unfolds.