Spanish composer and conductor Jose Ignacio Blesa-Lull has won numerous awards for his works across genres, including chamber music, choral, brass band, and wind band works. Hailing originally from Valencia, a region known for its outstanding bands, he trained at the High Conservatoriums of Valencia and Castellón, studying composition, conducting, clarinet, and music education. He has continued his training through workshops with several luminaries in both composition and conducting (see his bio at …And We Were Heard for a full list), including a masters degree in Wind Conducting with Matthew Westgate at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Prior to his stint in the USA, he was the conductor of the band Unión Musical “San Roque” de Villargordo del Cabriel in Valencia, which was awarded with a 2nd prize at the XLII Valencian Regional Band Contest. He is currently back in Spain serving as the conductor of the Centre Artístic Musical de Bétera Symphonic Band, as well as the professional Turia Chamber Winds, which he founded.

Blesa-Lull wrote Sweet Dreams, My Love in 2019 for a consortium of bands led by Carl Holmquist and the HB Woodlawn music program. He describes it as “a lullaby inspired by a melody I improvised and sung to my oldest daughter, Iria.” The gentle melody unfolds amidst some unpredictable harmonies and colorful orchestrations. Take a listen:

Learn more about this piece at Murphy Music Press and Blesa-Lull’s website.